Plugins Compatibility
WooCommerce Currency Switcher
Added a support to work with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin. Now, customers will receive a voucher in a currency they used during checkout. Also, for the customer all voucher related priced will get converted in customer selected currency so, in regards to PDF vouchers plugin a customer will able to track all prices in their currencies and the admin will see the same information in based currency.
WooCommerce Bookings
Added support to work with the bookable product type.

We have also added support for displaying some booking information. Here is the list of Supported Shortcodes.{booking_date}
– displays booking date{booking_time}
– displays booking time{booking_persons}
– displays booking persons
YITH WooCommerce Booking
Added support to work with the booking product type of YITH booking plugin.

We have also added support for displaying some booking information. Here is the list of Supported Shortcodes.{booking_date}
– displays booking date{booking_time}
– displays booking time{booking_persons}
– displays booking persons{booking_service}
– displays booking services
WooCommerce Product Bundles
Added support to work with the bundle product, it will generate a voucher code for main bundle product and not for each one that is a part of bundle.

You can use {wc_vendor_shopname}
shortcode for displaying vendor’s shop name in generated PDF.
WC Vendors
If WC Vendors plugin is enabled, you will see below settings under WooCommerce > Settings > PDF Vouchers > Misc Settings as shown in below screenshot

WC Vendor Settings
Auto Integrate vendor with PDF Voucher
Check this box if you want to integrate WC Vendors with PDF Vouchers. Enabling this option will allow WC Vendor’s vendor user to access “Voucher Codes”, “Check Voucher Code” and “Voucher Template” page as of below screenshot :-

Enable Access to PDF Vouchers tab
Check this box if you want to integrate WC Vendors with PDF Vouchers. Enabling this option will allow WC Vendor’s vendor user to add PDF Voucher to any product on product add/edit page as shown in screenshot below :-

You can use {wc_vendor_shopname}
shortcode for displaying vendor’s shop name in generated PDF.
WC Vendors Pro
If WC Vendors pro plugin is enabled, you will see below settings under WooCommerce > Settings > PDF Vouchers > Misc Settings as shown in below screenshot

If you have setting “Enable Access to PDF Vouchers tab” is enabled, vendor will be able to add/edit voucher product by accessing PDF vouchers settings from the frontend.

WCFM Marketplace
Added a support to work with WCFM Marketplace plugin. now, vendors can create a voucher products from frontend by accessing PDF vouchers settings.

Order, Coupon, Subscription Export Import for WooCommerce
This plugin is fully compatible with WooCommerce PDF vouchers. you have to start process of migration by first migrating orders. you can migrate all your order data with all our voucher info. please see the screenshot below:

Importing orders:

Once you migrate all orders using this order import/export plugin you will have to migrate our purchased / unused voucher codes using default WordPress import/export tool. First export all the voucher codes from old website as shown in the screenshot below.

Now, on new domain you have to import the voucher codes using the WordPress import tool. See the screenshots below

Now, if you have partial redemption functionality enabled, you have to do the same process by exporting the partially redeemed voucher codes.

Social Deals Engine WooCommerce Edition
Added support to work with Social Deals Engine WooCommerce Edition.

Dokan Multivendor
If Dokan plugin is enabled, you will see below settings under WooCommerce > Settings > PDF Vouchers > Misc Settings as shown in below screenshot

Dokan Multi Vendor Settings
Auto Integrate vendor with PDF Voucher
Check this box if you want to integrate Dokan Multi Vendor with PDF Vouchers. Enabling this option will allow Dokan Multi Vendor’s Vendor user to access “Voucher Codes”, “Check Voucher Code” and “Voucher Template” page as of below screenshot :-

Enable Access to PDF Vouchers tab
Check this box if you want to allow vendors to access PDF Vouchers on add/edit product page on frontend. Once you enable this setting, vendow will be able to access PDF vouchers tab from frontend and backend as shown in the screenshots below.
Backend Interface

Frontend Interface

Enable Vendor Commision
If you enable this setting, the vendor will receive the commission in his account that they redeemed on his store via check voucher code page. i.e. If customer comes with 100 USD voucher, and vendor redeems that code on check voucher code page, that vendor will receives 100 USD in his account in order to withdraw. If they are doing partial redemption, the partial amount reflects on vendor’s account.
Now, if you have admin/vendor commission enabled, it will also follows the commissions rules that you have defined in your setting. i.e. as shown in the below screenshot admin commision set to 10% so, for every redeem vendor will receive 90% and 10% stay in the admin account. So, if vendor redeeming 100 USD, then 90 USD goes to the vendor and 10 USD stay in the admin account. Withdrew process will be handled by Dokan only.

The commission can be tracked in the statement as shown in the screenshot below. Commission Reports & Statement feature only available in the Dokan pro version.

WC Marketplace / MultiVendorX
If WC Marketplace plugin is enabled, you will see below settings under WooCommerce > Settings > PDF Vouchers > Misc Settings as shown in below screenshot

WC Marketplace Settings
Auto Integrate vendor with PDF Voucher
Check this box if you want to integrate WC Marketplace with PDF Vouchers. Enabling this option will allow WC Marketplace’s vendor user to access “Voucher Codes”, “Check Voucher Code” and “Voucher Template” page as of below screenshot :-

Enable Access to PDF Vouchers tab
Check this box if you want to integrate WC Marketplace with PDF Vouchers. Enabling this option will allow WC Marketplace’s vendor user to add PDF Voucher to any product on product add/edit page on backend and frontend as well as shown in screenshot below :-
Backend Interface

Frontend Interface

Enable Vendor Commision
If you enable this setting, the vendor will receive the commission in his account that they redeemed on his store via check voucher code page. i.e. If customer comes with 100 USD voucher, and vendor redeems that code on check voucher code page, that vendor will receives 100 USD in his account in order to withdraw. If they are doing partial redemption, the partial amount reflects on vendor’s account.
Now, if you have admin/vendor commission enabled, it will also follows the commissions rules that you have defined in your setting. i.e. as shown in the below screenshot vendor commision set to 90% so, for every redeem vendor will receive 90% and 10% stay in the admin account. So, if vendor redeeming 100 USD, then 90 USD goes to the vendor and 10 USD stay in the admin account. Withdrew process will be handled by WC Marketplace only.

The commission can be tracked in the stats / reports as shown in the screenshot below.

WP User Frontend plugin
When WP User Frontend plugin activated, there is js error on WooCommerce product add/edit page. It’s because WP User Frontend plugin adding timepicker JS in header. JS always should be in footer. To resolve it, You can add this code snippet to a custom plugin or your theme’s functions.php
<?php | |
/** | |
* WP User Front-end plugin adding timepicker js in header and that's why WooCommerce product add/edit page not working. | |
* | |
* Solution is remove timepicker js and add it again but in footer | |
*/ | |
function woo_vou_resolve_conflict_with_user_frontend( $hook_suffix ){ | |
if( in_array( $hook_suffix, array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php') ) ) { | |
// Dequeue script | |
wp_dequeue_script( 'jquery-ui-timepicker' ); | |
// Enqueue it again but in footer | |
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-timepicker', WPUF_ASSET_URI . '/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js', array( 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ), '', true ); | |
} | |
} | |
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'woo_vou_resolve_conflict_with_user_frontend', 15 ); |
WooCommerce Pre-Orders
When WooCommerce Pre-Orders activated, there is js error on WooCommerce product add/edit page. It’s because WooCommerce Pre-Orders plugin adding timepicker JS in header. JS always should be in footer. To resolve it, You can add this code snippet to a custom plugin or your theme’s functions.php
<?php // Do not add this if its already added. | |
/** | |
* WooCoommerce Pre Orders adding timepicker js in header and that's why WooCommerce product add/edit page not working. | |
* | |
* Solution is remove timepicker js and add it again but in footer | |
*/ | |
function woo_vou_resolve_conflict_with_pre_orders( $hook_suffix ) { | |
if( in_array( $hook_suffix, array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php') ) ) { | |
global $wc_pre_orders; | |
$suffix = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; | |
// dequeue script and enque it again in footer | |
wp_dequeue_script( 'jquery_ui_timepicker' ); | |
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery_ui_timepicker', $wc_pre_orders->get_plugin_url() . '/assets/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ), '1.2', true ); | |
} | |
} | |
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'woo_vou_resolve_conflict_with_pre_orders', 15 ); |
Enhanced Media Library
After adding a compatibility with Enhanced Media Library it will allow to upload image file on voucher templates.