“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” To get a WordPress.com Application detail, go and visit:https://developer.wordpress.com/apps/new Note: You should have a WordPress.com Developer Account to create a WordPress.com app. You need to be logged in to your WordPress.com account to be able to get the WordPress.com application id and secret. So first, login to your WordPress.com […]

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb”

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” Tab To create a Twitter App, Please visit: https://developer.twitter.com/. You need to login to the developer site, using your Twitter account. Note: Now, you have to register your exiting / new twitter account under twitter developer dashboard once your developer account is registered you will be redirected to your […]

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” To create a LinkedIn App, go and visit: https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer. You need to be logged in to your LinkedIn account to be able to access their developer page. So first, login to your LinkedIn account and then follow the link above to get to their developer page and login to developer […]

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” To create a Tumblr AppYou need to be logged in to your Tumblr account to be able to access their developer page. So first, login to your Tumblr account and then go to tumblr.com/oauth/apps . It will redirect you to Applications screen. Click on “+Register application” button . The […]

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” To create a BufferApp App, go and visit: http://bufferapp.com/developers/apps/create. You need to be logged in to your BufferApp account to be able to access their developer page. So first, login to your BufferApp account and then follow the link above to get to their developer page. This should look similar […]

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” To get a Yahoo App detail, go and visit: https://developer.yahoo.com/apps/. You need to be logged in to your Yahoo account to be able to get yahoo consumer key and secret key. So first, login to your Yahoo account and then follow the link above to get to their developer page. […]

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” To get a Foursquare App detail, go and visit: https://foursquare.com/developers/apps. You need to be logged in to your Foursquare account to be able to get Foursquare client id and client secret. So first, login to your Foursquare account and then follow the link above to get to their developer page. […]

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” To get a Windows Live App detail, go and visit: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade. You need to be logged in to your Microsoft Azure account to be able to get Windows Live remote key and nickname. So first, login to your Microsoft Azure account and then follow the link above to get to […]

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“Social Network Integrations” Documentation by “WPWeb” To get Google App Detail, go and visit the https://console.developers.google.com/project page. You need to login in with your Google account if you aren’t already. Then the Google API Console page will load and click on the “Create Project” button as shown in the image below: After the click o ” Create […]

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